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El difunto gran Dr. Sebi habló extensamente sobre el sistema linfático y cómo es el sistema de alcantarillado del cuerpo humano. El sistema linfático ayuda a eliminar los desechos y ácidos del cuerpo que están listos para ser expulsados. Este producto es un jugador poderoso para nuestro segundo paso de curación, que es eliminar la inflamación, la acidez y las toxinas del cuerpo.

El sistema linfático también es responsable de mantener sano el sistema inmunológico. Lo hace debido a la discapacidad para mover el exceso de líquido por el cuerpo, el torrente sanguíneo y la piel y expulsar los desechos que mantienen fuerte el sistema inmunológico.

100% libre de cápsulas de gelatina y cápsulas vegetales. ¡Recordando a tus células que son Cósmicas!

(Beneficios a continuación)

Ingredientes a base de hierbas:
Palo Mulato
Trébol rojo
Diente de león
*Además de algunas plantas ALCALINAS adicionales que limpian y fortalecen el sistema linfático.

100% alcalino
100% sin OGM
100% Sin Gluten
100% Soy Free
100% cultivado orgánicamente

Tomarlos diariamente le proporcionará a su cuerpo el mineral más necesario: ¡HIERRO! Estas son algunas hierbas increíbles. ¡Pruébalas!

cuchillas Beneficios:
Estimula Linfático Sistema cuchillas Se ha descubierto que la hierba mejora la salud del linfático sistema. Esto incluye reducir la inflamación de los ganglios linfáticos y los quistes en los senos. cuchillas La hierba también ayuda a reducir la hinchazón y la inflamación al eliminar el exceso de desechos y agua del cuerpo, lo que ayuda a reducir los casos de edema.

Palo Mulato Beneficios:
Mulato (Palo Mulato) – utilizado como diurético antiséptico; Potente para cálculos, diarrea, nefritis, resfriados, limpieza de la sangre, fiebre, gripe, picaduras de insectos, sarampión, erupciones cutáneas, llagas en la piel, insolación, quemaduras solares e infecciones del tracto urinario.

trébol rojo Beneficios:
trébol rojo es la hierba más poderosa de todas para apoyar el linfático sistema y limpiar linfa líquido y puede ser un útil preventivo contra el cáncer. Esta generosa hierba silvestre (puedes usar tanto las flores como las hojas) es un diurético y fortalecedor de la sangre para aquellos que están preocupados por prácticamente cualquier tipo de trastorno o enfermedad sanguínea, incluida la sangre tóxica en general debido a que el páncreas o el hígado no funcionan correctamente. .

Beneficios del diente de león:
Diente de león Se ha utilizado para fortalecer y nutrir el bazo, el páncreas, el sistema inmunológico y el sistema glandular, circulatorio y linfático sistemas. También ha sido utilizado por los herbolarios tradicionales para tratar el reumatismo y las erupciones cutáneas crónicas. Se podría decir "se circula".

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Tabletas de hierbas linfáticas: uno de los sistemas más importantes del cuerpo

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The best health supplements I have ever owned, falls perfectly around my diet. -Bailey L

✔️Rid of Excess Fluid

✔️Strengthens the Immune System

✔️Nourishes the Lymphatic System  

✔️Quickly Relieves Inflammation 

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The best health supplements I have ever owned, falls perfectly around my diet. -Bailey L

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Catherine H, John Thomas, and 87k+ other people use Cosmic Cell Foods🌿


El difunto gran Dr. Sebi habló extensamente sobre el sistema linfático y cómo es el sistema de alcantarillado del cuerpo humano. El sistema linfático ayuda a eliminar los desechos y ácidos del cuerpo que están listos para ser expulsados. Este producto es un jugador poderoso para nuestro segundo paso de curación, que es eliminar la inflamación, la acidez y las toxinas del cuerpo.

El sistema linfático también es responsable de mantener sano el sistema inmunológico. Lo hace debido a la discapacidad para mover el exceso de líquido por el cuerpo, el torrente sanguíneo y la piel y expulsar los desechos que mantienen fuerte el sistema inmunológico.

100% libre de cápsulas de gelatina y cápsulas vegetales. ¡Recordando a tus células que son Cósmicas!

(Beneficios a continuación)

Ingredientes a base de hierbas:
Palo Mulato
Trébol rojo
Diente de león
*Además de algunas plantas ALCALINAS adicionales que limpian y fortalecen el sistema linfático.

100% alcalino
100% sin OGM
100% Sin Gluten
100% Soy Free
100% cultivado orgánicamente

Tomarlos diariamente le proporcionará a su cuerpo el mineral más necesario: ¡HIERRO! Estas son algunas hierbas increíbles. ¡Pruébalas!

cuchillas Beneficios:
Estimula Linfático Sistema cuchillas Se ha descubierto que la hierba mejora la salud del linfático sistema. Esto incluye reducir la inflamación de los ganglios linfáticos y los quistes en los senos. cuchillas La hierba también ayuda a reducir la hinchazón y la inflamación al eliminar el exceso de desechos y agua del cuerpo, lo que ayuda a reducir los casos de edema.

Palo Mulato Beneficios:
Mulato (Palo Mulato) – utilizado como diurético antiséptico; Potente para cálculos, diarrea, nefritis, resfriados, limpieza de la sangre, fiebre, gripe, picaduras de insectos, sarampión, erupciones cutáneas, llagas en la piel, insolación, quemaduras solares e infecciones del tracto urinario.

trébol rojo Beneficios:
trébol rojo es la hierba más poderosa de todas para apoyar el linfático sistema y limpiar linfa líquido y puede ser un útil preventivo contra el cáncer. Esta generosa hierba silvestre (puedes usar tanto las flores como las hojas) es un diurético y fortalecedor de la sangre para aquellos que están preocupados por prácticamente cualquier tipo de trastorno o enfermedad sanguínea, incluida la sangre tóxica en general debido a que el páncreas o el hígado no funcionan correctamente. .

Beneficios del diente de león:
Diente de león Se ha utilizado para fortalecer y nutrir el bazo, el páncreas, el sistema inmunológico y el sistema glandular, circulatorio y linfático sistemas. También ha sido utilizado por los herbolarios tradicionales para tratar el reumatismo y las erupciones cutáneas crónicas. Se podría decir "se circula".

Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en enviarnos un mensaje.

Why You Need Cleavers and Palo Mulato?

Cleavers - Stimulates the Lymphatic System. It has been found to improve the health of the lymphatic system. This includes reducing inflammation of lymph glands and cysts in the breasts. Cleavers herb also helps to reduce swelling and inflammation by clearing excess waste and water from the body, helping to reduce instances of edema.

Palo Mulato - used as an antiseptic diuretic; powerful for calculus, diarrhea, nephritis sore, colds, blood cleansing, fevers, flu, insect bites, measles, rashes, skin sores, sunstroke, sunburn, & urinary tract infections.

"Big Pharma" Kept Secrets

1. Red Clover - is the most powerful herb of all to support the lymphatic system and cleanse lymph fluid, and it can be a helpful cancer preventative. This generous wild herb—you can use both the flowers and the leaves—is a diuretic and blood builder for those who are worried about virtually any type of blood disorder or disease, including just toxic blood overall due to the pancreas or liver not functioning properly.

2. Dandelion - it has been used to strengthen and nourish the spleen, pancreas, immune system, and glandular system, circulatory and lymphatic systems. It has also been used by traditional herbalists to treat rheumatism and chronic skin eruptions. You could say "it gets around".

The Role of the Lymphatic System:

The lymphatic system plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being by performing several key functions:

Fluid Balance: The lymphatic system helps maintain fluid balance in the body by collecting excess fluid, proteins, and waste products from tissues and returning them to the bloodstream. This prevents swelling and edema, ensuring proper hydration and tissue health.

Immune Function: Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes are integral parts of the immune system, serving as a primary site for immune cell activation and surveillance. The lymphatic system transports immune cells, such as lymphocytes and macrophages, to areas of infection or inflammation, helping to fight off pathogens and foreign invaders.

Waste Removal: One of the primary functions of the lymphatic system is to remove cellular waste, toxins, and metabolic by-products from tissues and organs. Lymphatic vessels collect these waste products and transport them to lymph nodes, where they are filtered and eliminated from the body.

The Lymphatic System and Immune System Connection:

The lymphatic system and the immune system are intricately linked, working together to protect the body from infections, toxins, and foreign invaders. Here's how they interact:

Lymphocytes: Lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, are key players in the immune response. They are produced in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus gland and lymph nodes. Lymphocytes patrol the lymphatic system, identifying and destroying pathogens and abnormal cells.

Lymph Nodes: Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures located throughout the body along the lymphatic vessels. They act as filtration centers, trapping and neutralizing pathogens, toxins, and other harmful substances. Lymph nodes also house lymphocytes, where they multiply and mount an immune response when needed.

Lymphatic Vessels: Lymphatic vessels are a network of tubes that carry lymphatic fluid, a clear fluid containing white blood cells and waste products, throughout the body. These vessels transport lymph fluid to lymph nodes, where it is filtered and cleansed before returning to the bloodstream.

Reducing Swelling, Inflammation, and Bloating:

Lymphatic contains targeted ingredients that work synergistically to reduce swelling, inflammation, and bloating by facilitating the drainage of excess fluid from tissues. Here's how Lymphatic can help:

Facilitating Drainage: Ingredients such as dandelion root, cleavers, and red clover are known for their diuretic properties, which help promote the elimination of excess fluid from tissues and reduce swelling and bloating. It unclogs lymphatic capillaries so interstitial fluid can easily flow into the lymphatic system relieving swelling. 

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Lymphatic possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce inflammation in the lymphatic system and alleviate discomfort associated with swelling and congestion.

Detoxification Support: Lymphatic contains antioxidants and detoxifying herbs which support the body's natural detoxification processes and help remove toxins and waste products that contribute to lymphatic congestion and inflammation.

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Alkaline Superfoods

Lymphatic Health contains a synergistic blend of targeted ingredients designed to support and nourish your lymphatic system, promoting optimal function and vitality. Here's how each component works:

Lymphatic Stimulants: Ingredients such as ginger, hydrangea, and dandelion act as natural lymphatic stimulants, promoting the movement of lymph fluid and enhancing lymphatic circulation throughout the body.

Lymph Movers: Herbs like cleavers, red clover, and burdock root are known as lymph movers, meaning they help facilitate the drainage of lymphatic fluid and reduce congestion in lymphatic vessels and nodes.

Lymphatic Tonics: Herbs such as palo mulato are considered lymphatic tonics, meaning they help tone and strengthen the lymphatic system, improving its resilience and efficiency.

Alleviating Lymphatic Congestion:

Lymphatic congestion can manifest in various symptoms and conditions, including:

Edema: Edema is the buildup of fluid in tissues, leading to swelling and discomfort. Lymphatic helps alleviate edema by promoting lymphatic drainage and reducing fluid retention.

Cellulite: Cellulite is a condition characterized by the accumulation of fat deposits and toxins in the subcutaneous tissue, resulting in a dimpled appearance. Lymphatic aids in the elimination of toxins and promotes circulation, reducing the appearance of cellulite and promoting smoother, healthier-looking skin.

Lymphedema: Lymphedema is a chronic condition caused by lymphatic system dysfunction, leading to swelling and fluid buildup in affected limbs or body parts. Lymphatic can alleviate symptoms of Lymphedema and improve lymphatic circulation, providing relief from discomfort and promoting better quality of life.

Why am I always fatigued, inflamed, and feel so old?

It's not a figment of your imagination; there's a tangible reason behind your body's decline—it's our food. The majority of our food supply is essentially lifeless, stripped of crucial vitamins and minerals intentionally. Big Food Corporations continually seek cost-effective methods to manufacture their "food-like" products.

The absence of genuine, nutrient-rich foods is contributing to a swift deterioration in people's health. The consumption of processed, artificial foods triggers inflammation in our muscles, joints, and organs. Moreover, these processed foods wreak havoc on our gut health, promoting bacterial growth and sparking an internal inflammatory response.

This internal inflammatory reaction acts like a wildfire, consuming your cells, organs, and arteries, accelerating the aging process beyond what Mother Nature or Father Time intended.

Product Specifications

Maximum Health Flexibility
Alkalinity cleanses, energizes, and nourishes the cells gently unlike violent stomach griping acidic or chemical based substances/detoxes. This makes the health journey much more flexible & palatable.

Acidity Free
We pride ourselves in our commitment to 100% alkaline ingredients, which means 100% naturally grown from nature without the assistance of man’s hands. Even Pao DArco is acidic. - Hybrid.

Over 87,000+ Trusted Customers
We hold diagnostic sheets and tons of reviews on the effectiveness of our compounds. Guaranteed to work for all human beings

Full-Spectrum Immune Support
Due to the extremely high potential of hydrogen and oxygen content alkaline plants contain, when consumed they gently assist the body in waste elimination, provide oxygen to the blood/skin, and the lymphatic system. Which is in essence the key factors of Full Spectrum Immunity. Acidity can not exist in an alkaline environment